Naples Airport Map

Information about Naples airport location

Longitude: 009°42′01″E | Latitude:45°40′08″N

Location: 4 km From Naples

Nearby places

Naples City Centre (4 km)

Naples harbour (8.6 km)

Sorrento (53 km)

Naples airport is 6 kilometres north east of downtown Naples in an area known as Capodichino.

Naples located in southern Italy under the brooding watch of Mount Vesuvius, the port city of Naples is frenetic, noisy, overcrowded, and above all, proud. The city’s dense, narrow streets and whirling traffic make for an unforgettable experience. However, Naples is imbued with a unique centuries-old charm that endears the city to many of its visitors. The historic center still survives, despite its destruction in World War II.

See centro storico, the old part of the city, as well as Spaccanapoli, which boasts many architectural wonders. The famous thirteenth century Duomo, which is dedicated to San Gennaro, is a must on anyone’s list. The cathedral holds two phials of the patron saint’s blood that are said to liquefy on certain dates. Other noted attractions include the medieval Castel Nuovo, the ornate Palazzo Reale, and the National Archeological Museum, which holds the lost treasures of Pompeii.


Distance From City Distance To City Distance (km) Distance (miles) Distance From City Distance To City Distance (km) Distance (miles)
Naples Rome 232 144.16 Naples Ancona 417.6 259.48
Naples Florence 534 331.81 Naples Bari 265 164.66
Naples Milan 858 533.14 Naples Salerno 54.5 33.86
Naples Turin 932 579.12 Naples Sorrento 48.5 30.14
Naples Venice 899 558.61 Naples Caserta 36.1 22.43
Naples Como 906 562.96 Naples Messina 491.7 305.53
Naples Catania 649 403.27 Naples Palermo 715.6 444.65
Naples Pisa 568 352.94 Naples Verona 703.5 437.13
Naples Siena 464 288.32 Naples Perugia 370.4 230.16